Marvel.com redesign
Company: Marvel Entertainment
Role: Design direction and leadership
During my time at Marvel Entertainment, we engaged the talented team at R/GA to help us re-imagine marvel.com. I acted as the primary representative of Marvel’s in-house design team. My role was to ensure that the new iteration of the site upheld our brand values, accommodated our diverse revenue streams, and delivered on the promise of engaging both core Marvel fanatics and more casual fans. I advocated for a flexible visual system that could scale well beyond the site to other applications, like our native apps and printed marketing materials. I also acted as a liaison between R/GA’s design team and our network of internal stakeholders, helping to hammer out business and design requirements, providing detailed feedback, and verifying that we had the appropriate image and design assets to support R/GA’s concepts.
Though my role in this project was more managerial, my involvement was critical to ensuring the project delivered on its objectives.